Let Us Manage Your Mainframe Environment & Start Your Modernization Initiatives
Let Us Manage Your Mainframe Environment & Start Your Modernization Initiatives

CICS Administration

Enterprises can rely on Maintec Technologies for reliable and cost-effective CICS systems programming services, including installation, monitoring, and maintenance.

Business benefits of Maintec's CICS systems programming services

Shorter development cycles

Unlimited scalability

Easier incorporation of new functions

Easier maintenance

Cost-effective management

Maximum resource utilization

Consolidation of distributed servers into one System Z server

Add more value to established business, outsource your CICS programming

Maintec CICS system programming services

Installation of CICS software products

CICS configuration and monitoring

CICS maintenance services

Analysis and documentation of CICS error conditions

Definition, installation, and maintenance of the CICS DB2 environment

Implementation of CICSPLEX

Configuring CICS to communicate with non-CICS systems

Configuring CICS with RACF or OEM security product

Maintec has long and deep experience in providing globally compliant CICS mainframe programming services. For more information about our CICS systems programming services contact Maintec Technologies.

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