Let Us Manage Your Mainframe Environment & Start Your Modernization Initiatives
Let Us Manage Your Mainframe Environment & Start Your Modernization Initiatives

Corporate Governance

Business benefits of Maintec mainframe operation support services


Modern Slavery covers harassment through forced and compulsory labor and human trafficking in the supply chains of businesses. This Statement is made by “Maintec Technologies Pvt Limited”, and its subsidiary entities (all collectively hereinafter referred to as “Maintec”) pursuant to Section 54 (1) of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015, and Section 3 of the Australia Modern Slavery Act, 2018, for the year ending 31 March 2020. We are committed to uphold human rights and the steps we have undertaken to ensure that slavery and human trafficking do not operate within our business or our supply chain.


Maintec is a global leader in next-generation digital services and consulting. We enable clients in 45 countries to navigate their digital transformation. Our vision to earn the respect of our stakeholders continues to inspire our endeavors. Our values referred to collectively as C-LIFE include Client Value; Leadership by Example; Integrity and Transparency; Fairness and Excellence, and these values guide our actions. As a responsible business, we believe that success includes embracing actions across all three dimensions of sustainable performance viz., environmental, social, and economic. Our Annual Reports and Sustainability Reports on maintec.in providing more information on our sustainable business performance. Also, visit maintec.in to gain a deeper insight into our social and environmental sustainability initiatives.


Suppliers of People: This covers our contractors who work on our campuses/client projects and support our business.

Supplier of Services: This covers our partners who provide essential services (such as catering, food and beverage counters, transportation, construction, etc.) on our campuses.

Supplier of Products: This covers our partners who supply products (such as IT hardware, software, electrical/electronic equipment, furniture, heavy equipment, stationery, etc.) to us.


We are signatories to the United Nations Global Compact and uphold these principles in our business and the wider supply chain. Our Code of Conduct and Ethics and Supplier Code of Conduct is available on our corporate website www.maintec.in lay down the expectations that we have from our employees and suppliers in the conduct of business activities globally. The Maintec Code of Conduct (“Code”) maintec.in which is the foundation of our Compliance and Integrity Program, sets forth our core values, shared responsibilities, global commitments, and promises. The Code expresses Maintec’s commitment to conducting business ethically. Our values are the ethical backbone of the Code. The Code is supplemented by additional policies such as the AntiHarassment and Anti- Discrimination Policy and the adoption of the Human Rights Statement that works to ensure an equal opportunity workplace free from discrimination or harassment. Our Whistleblower Policy provides our stakeholders with a safe process to raise concerns without fear of retaliation. Similarly, our Supplier Code of Conduct describes the expectations that we have of our suppliers, including forced labor, discrimination-free workplace, wages and benefits, ethical dealings.

As part of our responsible supply chain efforts, we undertake the following:

During onboarding, our suppliers are required to sign the Supplier Code of Conduct.

We insist, in our agreements, that our suppliers comply with local laws. In addition, we have updated our standard contractual terms to include obligations on our suppliers to comply with our position regarding anti-slavery and human trafficking. We build long-standing relationships with local suppliers and make clear our expectations of business behavior.

We will also strive to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place within any of our supply chain business partners and will not tolerate such activities either within the supply chain or within any part of Maintec’s business.

We audit our people suppliers in India at regular intervals for payment of minimum wages and social security contributions and train them on the Maintec Code of Conduct. Our payments are always above the stipulated minimum wages. In our non-India locations, we ensure checks to comply with the requirements of local law in our supply chains

We have systems in place to encourage the reporting of concerns and the protection of whistleblowers. The Whistleblower policy can be referred to at maintec.in


To ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and our business, we conduct training to relevant members of our supply chain on the benefits they are entitled to as well as on anti-sexual harassment policies. We also require our suppliers of people to provide training to their employees on their rights, including relating to wages, benefits, and grievance redressal forums. We have also circulated a training module to create awareness of modern slavery and human trafficking to our employees who manage the supply chain.


We use the following key performance indicators to help us sustain our efforts and measure the effectiveness of the steps undertaken to remove modern slavery and human trafficking from our supply chains:

Working with our suppliers to acknowledge and socialize the Supplier Code of Conduct

Providing information to support staff on our campuses in India on their rights, including relating to sexual harassment.

Periodic audits by our internal audit team along with remedial action.

Reviewing issues raised through our grievance redressal mechanisms and initiating corrective action. We will continue to identify ways to improve employee and supplier awareness of Maintec's commitment to respect human rights and efforts to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking.

Modern Slavery is a complex challenge that requires ongoing, evolving, and continually improving efforts. We will continue to review our internal processes to ensure that our obligations under the Modern Slavery legislation are met. This statement was approved by the Board of Maintec Technologies Pvt Limited on April 20, 2020.

For Maintec Technologies Pvt Limited

Sonny Gupta

Chief Executive Officer

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