Support Services
Technical Support Services (TFA/TSS) are offered for all aspects of the IBM VSE/ESA and z/VSE Operating Systems and a wide range of IBM Optional Products and ISV (Independent Software Vendors) products.
Online and batch processing support is included for routine maintenance, problem determination/resolution, and any Client requested software modifications. All Client requests for TFA/TSS are logged and documented by TFA, for mutual benefit. Additionally, any modifications made as a result of TFA/TSS to any module within the Client’s suite of software systems are themselves documented – as in what changed and why. A general changelog is maintained on the Client’s system as well. Quick capabilities of restoring modified modules to their prior state are always maintained.
TFA/TSS provides a complete set of VSE platform documentation in hard copy and digital format at the onset for the benefit of the Client and TFA. It is a thorough snapshot of the entire system that will be referenced by TFA regularly. It is updated as any Client requested or required system changes occur. It is a part of TFA’s change control procedures, and the first step in TFA becoming more familiar with each Client’s unique combination of hardware, IBM Operating System components and ISV products installed.
Keep your z/VSE systems on a healthy service level
With the availability and adaptability of security and reliability for transactions and all the batch workloads, z/VSE can be integrated into all the hybrid platforms and off site in a linux on Z environment with connectors.