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How IT Staff Augmentation Model can escalate your Business Growth?

The corporate sector in the post-Covid era is undergoing many changes. Methodologies are continually changing, including corporate management and planning as well as business culture. Any successful business must have the required tools and personnel on hand. You may achieve your goals by having the best job possible if you have the correct quantity of abilities. When the process of hiring new internal staff members can be costly and time-consuming. If your goals change once more, you can find yourself with a large workforce and no easy way to cut it. By routinely adding specialized information to the group’s competencies, the organization can execute tasks.

Organizations frequently enter into alliances with delivery organizations to have access to temporary employees for a predetermined time. Staff augmentation services can take a variety of shapes, from a larger on-site workforce to specialists moved abroad, depending on the needs of the firm. IT firms are increasingly preferring staff augmentation providers over more conventional staffing techniques due to the long list of advantages they offer. Outsourcing projects is nothing new in the digital age we live in today.

What is meant by staff augmentation?

So let’s start with the fundamentals and define staff augmentation. It’s a particular kind of outsourcing service that is frequently employed for IT projects. Combining your team with outside experts on the same project gets the most value out of both. Because it begins with an internal analysis of your current staff and their capabilities — or rather, the capabilities they lack — the solution is also quite cost-effective. The staff augmentation strategy then enables you to employ the specialists needed to close the gaps in your internal team. You can choose how long you need their services and manage them personally. However, rather than being done on an ongoing, permanent basis, staff augmentation is typically done on a project-by-project basis.

Importantly, the system excels at lowering costs associated with project implementation, payroll, and hiring. In addition, it is much more scalable than just employing inside. By design, ending this form of collaboration is far simpler than ending a relationship with an inside employee, allowing you to adjust the size of your team to the changing demands of your business growth strategy.

How effective is staff augmentation?

Staff augmentation is a form of outsourcing where a company temporarily hires workers from an outsourced provider for specialized skills. For a certain company, the supplier recruits people on a contract basis. It’s a helpful tool for finding experts on demand. Consider a scenario where a task requires a researcher’s competence but the internal team is deficient in this area. They can employ staff augmentation to hire a researcher temporarily rather than searching for the ideal candidate. A variation of this strategy is the temporary employment of qualified technical experts by businesses, known as IT staff augmentation. You may recruit programmers, developers, and other tech professionals with the aid of IT staffing firms.

What Situations Require For Its Use?

Five main situations call for the implementation of staff augmentation programs:

  • Industry increased regularly in response to user demand, and so on.
  • You need specific competencies that your in-house team can’t give temporarily. For instance, your company’s logo will need to be created by a graphic designer.
  • Your business’s operations have altered, therefore you’ve relocated or acquired a new domain. To keep things going while you wait to acquire a qualified workforce, you will require temporary resources.
  • To take advantage of having access to a wide variety of specialized skills, you choose to construct your team.
  • The localized skilled labor is unable to provide the necessary skill sets at a reasonable price. As a result, you should search elsewhere for assets.

What distinguishes a company engaged in staffing from one that is engaged in outsourcing?

The project outsourcing strategy may initially seem to be pretty comparable to staff augmentation. Staff augmentation involves integrating outside IT workers into your firm’s internal teams and processes without incurring the costs and paperwork involved with hiring long-term staff, in contrast to outsourcing, which includes leaving your entire organization to a freelancer. Let’s imagine that, on the other side, a car manufacturer wants to develop multimedia software for their vehicles. Without an internal IT team, they couldn’t successfully develop this software, so the business decided to contract out the entire process to an IT firm with the required skills and resources. Both approaches employ subcontractors to carry out specific jobs, but staff augmentation incorporates them into your internal system, whereas rigorous outsourcing is employed when you have no inside team at all.

Ways for Boosting the IT Workforce in 2022

The global outsourcing of IT is growing quickly in the post-pandemic era. As businesses adapt to new ways of working, some advancements in IT staff augmentation services we expect to see in 2022 include:


As the percentage of remote employees rises, cyber-attacks are becoming a major worry. The demand for cybersecurity experts is anticipated to soar as every business needs resources and training to protect its operations from intruders.

Advanced technology

Businesses are using AI, machine learning, RPA, and other technologies and systems to streamline their processes. Professionals for this project will be in a growing market.

Customer experience

Businesses are starting to concentrate more diligently on improving the customer experience in marketplaces that are becoming more competitive (CX). User experience is a significant issue for companies of all sizes, thus there are many options in the CX space.

Latest locations

The market for staff augmentation services is growing more and more competitive. Vendors from new locations are using augmentation services to compete in the current market conditions.

Flexible work

The virtual working environment has made flexibility in job obligations unavoidable. To suit the needs of team members, clients, and other factors, businesses are looking for employees who can work remotely.

The Advantages of IT Staff Augmentation

Increase in productivity

This is one of the most significant benefits of staff augmentation. Your augmentation provider makes sure you get the best skills available in that field. As a result, staff productivity is probably going to increase with more experienced individuals working on a single project.

Better Communication

You are knowledgeable about every facet of the task, as is your staff. Interactions between the internal and external teams will be flawless, which is a significant advantage.

Secured IP rights

The increased team will still be yours, so you don’t need to be concerned about IP rights. All of the rights are yours.

Flexible Team

Increased IT manpower enables a more adaptable team. You may easily manage your team and hire any employees your business requires for a set period without the hassle of recruitment.

Cost Savings

For enterprises, staff augmentation results in lower costs. Instead of hiring and training new employees, you can simply pay a fee and the work will start. Training and other organizational costs are not necessary.

Manage Your Team Directly

The hiring process makes project management easier. Because you’re in constant contact with the team, you can make the necessary adjustments and ensure that they’re on the right track. In this arrangement, the business is in charge of overseeing every aspect of the growth of your project. You only need to pay a fee; the outside company will handle the rest. You gain a deeper grasp of the team members and how the project is carried out as a result.

In many different industries, Maintec Staffing Solutions offers a sizable team of qualified professionals. Depending on company needs, you can recruit experts on a temporary, project-based, or long-term basis with all experience levels and pay grades. We have highly skilled employees who are acquainted with a range of technologies.

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